Sunday, April 29, 2007

an intimate relationship with my GOD

my intimate relationship with my God is by praying to him wholeheartedly.. i admit that at times i don't pray with all my heart because there are times that i feel tired and just sleep without even finishing my prayer. i admit i was wrong.

praying is my intimate relationship with God because by praying, i thank him for all he has done for me and to my loved ones. i also say sorry for not doing his will; which is by committing mistakes. in praying, i also communicate to him by asking for strength and to be there always for me.

in that way, i have an intimate relationship with God by communicating to him wholeheartedly.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

The Wisdom I found in my religion

the wisdom i found in my religion is by praying to God wholeheartedly and by believing in him. there was a time when I lose my hope and trust in him because i had this big problem, but when i prayed to him, i then realized that God really answers our prayers and he is never sleeping. he loves us. that's the wisdom that i found in my religion.

for me, no matter how many times you've been attending masses or how many times you've been sharing what you have especially to the poor people, and how much you keep on following your religion, it must come from your heart and believe in God.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

my best religious experience

I am a choir member in one of the churches here in zamboanga and I always go to church and sing during mass every sunday and most especially during christmas season and holy week. i consider this as my religious experience because i offer my talent to the Lord by singing praises to Him. whenever i sing, i always bear in mind that by singing, i show my love and give him thanks by singing his songs.

this holy week, i offered my talent to him by singing again. from maundy thursday up to easter sunday, i attended its mass everyday. it is one of my best religious experience because i can feel and i know that God truly exists if you seek Him. :)